Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Robot can Detect it is being Ignored

In class we discussed the ability of a room-sized computer created by IBM that acted as a contestant on Jeopardy. This robot, named Watson, was able to beat out human contestants on the show. However, Georgia Tech University’s Socially Intelligent machines Lab created a robot that is able to sense when you are ignoring it. Once the robot, named Simon, detects that you are ignoring him, he attempts to regain your attention. Simon is able to detect a person’s behavior by using a camera that assesses the person’s mannerisms. Currently, the robot is able to accurately identify behaviorism's 80% of the time.

I feel that this technology could prove to be beneficial in hospitals. For example, previously in the semester we had a class discussion on how robot technology was being used in the medical industry as a means of communication between patients and doctors. This enables patients to receive the best medical care from doctors in countries abroad. The technology is in the process of becoming advanced so that it can perform medical procedures through a robot. Experts claim that this will allow for more precision and accuracy, as the robot will not have human qualities such as shaky hands.

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